12 Reasons to Pre-order Resolved
Why should you pre-order Resolved? Here are twelve reasons:
The series Four Stars over Ardatz: Sovereigns has been touted for its action-packed pages. Resolved is no different. The action starts with tension between the queen and her council and moves to rumors of war which Siobhan tries to stop.
Coming of Age
If you thought Siobhan grew in Determined, she really comes into her own in Resolved. Before she was a spoiled princess learning about marriage. Now, she’s queen and a single parent to a ten-year-old. She’s doing her best to keep her daughter and her kingdom safe.
Clean Romance
The sanctity of marriage has always been at the top of my values. Therefore, it was with trepidation that I allowed my characters to speak to me and act on their hearts. What followed was a clean romance that doesn’t defy any boundaries, but may result in some interesting conversations down the road between characters.
Epic Fantasy
What’s more epic than the peace of multiple nations? The Navwood have been a pain in Siobhan’s side since she was a teen. Since they can’t do much on their own, they look for allies—like they did with the Aeguskey in Uprooted. This time they find a neighboring kingdom to help along with a jiddee’adar (mage).
Addicting Series
Many have said this is an addicting series. All I can say is find out for yourself. Pick up Uprooted and see what you think.
Found Family
This theme has woven its way throughout every single book. From Hest and Sydur to Hest and Siobhan, and now Mairead is seeking a da that’ll be there for her. Find out who’ll step up and fill those shoes.

As I build a world, I want to create it in such a way that I can enjoy living in it over the course of writing the book(s). Ardatz is no different. For over a year, I brainstormed with family members and even a scientist to be sure that it was plausible. I didn’t want to live with sci-fi, but some of the stories that may live in Ardatz may very well be more science fantasy if not science fiction!
As a result, Ardatz is a world you can want to live in.
Lovable Characters
From the beginning, readers have loved Hest. Siobhan and Mairead, Kyeth, Gareth, and Faolan are sure to become fan favorites as well.
Good vs Evil
This age-old battle has filled fantasy for centuries. The jiddee’adar vs sanyalee express that in Resolved, but also the question of war. Good being the country at peace and evil being the country that invades for no other reason than they can.

Amazing Rallying Cries
You know the scene. The one where Theoden rallies the Roharrim. Or the one where Aragorn and Legolas argue in Helm’s Deep with the men looking on. Both are rallying cries that stir your hearts. According to my editor, Siobhan has just the right rallying cry for her Rittider and army.
In Ardatz, mages are known as jiddee’adar. They follow Jeeah’s guidance and have been given power from the various elements on Ardatz that flows through their blood. Sanyalee either are jiddee’adar that have turned against Jeeah, or they’re normal people who use stones and other focusing items and force the power to themselves.
Out of all of Four Stars over Ardatz: Sovereigns books, Resolved sees Lugh and Conry fighting together. The sanyalee that they face is one that originally was a jiddee’adar but has turned his back on Jeeah.
Explores an Age-Old Question
Why do bad things happen to good people is a question that has troubled philosophers and still bothers everyday people. I didn’t go about writing a treatise on why bad things happen to good people, but it flowed in story format and then was tempered through the events of 2020 when Determined and Resolved were written. As you read, you’ll see the hope and the reason behind why bad things happen to Siobhan and, hopefully, see why they may happen to you.
So, here are 12 reasons why you should pre-order Resolved? What are you waiting for? Haven’t started the series yet? No problem. As I told my email readers, you still have time to pick up Uprooted and read through. Resolved releases on July 11. Grab your summer reads now and get caught up.