Want a world-famous hot dog with homemade mustard and pickles? You’ve come to the right place. Harley hangs out here during the summer time when he has nothing else to do. You can listen to as much gossip at the market as you can at The Skillet. With the little tables set up for deli orders, locals hang out here. Make sure you beat the lunch rush, or are ready to wait in line for a bit.

The Real Market
Yep, there’s a real inspiration for the market. In fact, I’ve sold the Myth Coast Advnetures books right about where Harley’s sitting eating his lunch. The Langlois Market has been a part of Langlois since the 1950’s. It’s changed hands three times. The original owners sold it to Lee Pastano, who sold it to his son, Jake. Lee still works at the market and can be seen watering the flowers out front. If you’re ever on the Southern Oregon Coast south of Bandon, come by and have a sandwich or hot dog. My favorite sandwiches are a tuna melt, or the Cransand–turkey with cranberry sauce. Yes, there are cougar, elk, and other stuffed critters that hang on the walls and roam the rafters. If you scroll down a ways on their website, you’ll see them.