Teens find a dragon egg on the beach, a unicorn in their horse pasture, and follow Bigfoot through the portal–along with a government agent and a poacher intent on stripping all the magic.
Myth Coast Adventures Complete Trilogy
Eighth graders discover a dragon egg on the beach, a unicorn in their horse pasture, and follow Bigfoot through the portal--along with a government agent and a poacher intent on stripping the land of all the magic.
More info →An Unexpected Adventure
8th graders must decide which to protect: their dragon from their community or their community from their dragon.
More info →An Unexpected Escapade
A unicorn shows up in Daisy's horse pasture and soon afterward a government agent and a poacher who's after the unicorn's horn. Isn't 8th grade hard enough without someone threatening her horses?
More info →An Unexpected Exploit
An ordinary hunting trip turns into a crisis for the mythical realm of Shinwano, when Franklin follows Bigfoot through the portal--along with the government agent and a poacher intent on reaping all the magic he can.
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