I’m so thankful for parents and teachers who work tirelessly to raise the next generation. I’m also a parent (of five now all grown) and a teacher for 7th through 12th graders. As an author, I want to work with you to provide you family-friendly fantasy that you can trust to hand off to both eager reader and reluctant reader alike.
Student Reactions
Dragon Courage Series
Back in 2015, I taught 6th and 7th grade Language Arts. I initiated DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) time. One boy didn’t want to read. He said he didn’t like reading. I replied with, “You haven’t found something you like, yet.”
His response was priceless. “The only ones I like are yours.”
You can believe that I pulled in Dragon’s Future and the rest of the series the next day, and he had Dragon’s Heir in his hands during DEAR time.
Myth Coast Adventures
An Unexpected Adventure started because of two sixth grade boys who were reluctant readers. Okay, they refused to read during study hall. As I came up with the idea for the story, I wondered if they’d read if they were written into the book. By the time they were sophomores, the one came into my room all upset that the bell had rung. He had to put down a book! Yep, he was reading the story that he was the main character inspiration.
Parent Responses
Many of my early fans were the aunts and grandmothers of young readers. They’d read the books to screen them, and then they fell in love.
The book (An Unexpected Adventure) is easy and quick to read. If your child has ever visited a west coast beach, I think this book will fire their imagination.
~H. Halverstadt Reviews
All in all, I would recommend Dragon’s Future to anyone who enjoys a fresh take on Dragon lore and a story about familial ties. A nice addition to anyone’s middle grade fiction library and a promising start by an indie author.
~H. Halverstadt Reviews
Teacher Review
Kandi J. Wyatt is one of my favorite authors. There are many reasons for this. One she writes books that my students want to read. I teach middle school and finding books for this in-between group of teens is often difficult. Another reason she is one of my favorites is because no matter what she writes, it is so realistic I have to do some research.
~Sandra Stiles, middle school teacher
For Teachers
If you’re a homeschool mom or have a class full of students, I have unit studies that go with my books. You can download the first study for free. If you’re interested in other study guides from other authors, I’d suggest New Classics Study Guides.
Myth Coast Adventures
An Unexpected Adventure
A six-week unit study including vocabulary, comprehension, and extended lessons on related themes from the book:
- Thundereggs
- Wildfire Safety
- Rogue River Jetboats
- Scientific Method
- Ratios
- Geography
- Reading Maps
- Amethysts
- Understanding News Sources
- Predators
- Writing
Designed for 5th grade
An Unexpected Escapade

A six-week unit study including vocabulary, comprehension, and extended lessons on related themes from the book:
*Cranberry Harvest
*Geography (Time zones)
*Art (drawing)
*Water cycle
*Old-growth forests
Purchase the second study guide for $2.99.
An Unexpected Exploit

A seven-and-a-half-week unit study guide including vocabulary, comprehension, and extended lessons on related themes from the book:
*Physical exercise
*Language learning
*Pinhole camera
*and more
Purchase the third study guide for $2.99.