Festival of Stars: Short Story part 4
Festival of Stars begins with Hest reminded of his mother’s favorite holiday. The story continued with him searching for gifts and giving them. We conclude this short story in this installment. You can catch up by reading from the beginning. Festival of Stars takes place in the Four Stars over Ardatz world, three months before Uprooted (available now ) starts.

A Fateful Moonstep
Hest strode out to the stable with a new shovel for cleaning stalls, his apple from Torrin, and a jug of Malene’s ale from Maya. He’d enjoy them all, but the ale from Maya was special. Of the three brews Malene served, Maya had chosen his favorite.
Once the items were safely stored where they belonged, he grabbed his cloak and returned to the courtyard, where the others waited. Together they’d walk to the square where the lights would be lit.
Maya had her sash wrapped around her cloak, warming Hest’s heart, and Malene’s scowl had disappeared, which was always a good sign.
Others joined them along the way to the middle of Stad. Families with children in tow, and couples walking hand in hand. They each carried their lanterns and lights, but none of the lamps were lit. They’d wait until the designated time.
The chattering of children announced their arrival at the square. The murmur of adult conversations was a backdrop against the younger ones’ excitement. They filed into the square, greeting neighbors as they went. With time to spare before the lighting ceremony, they stood around. Maya worked her way toward Hest, while Torrin found some friends.
“Thank you, again, for the sash.” Maya ran her hands along the fabric.
“I’m glad you like it.”
Standing next to her was wonderful, and yet awkward at the same time. If Malene saw and noticed his attention… He’d just have to hope she didn’t.
The crowd shifted, and Lucas joined them, his hands behind his back. “Uh, hi Maya.”
“Lucas.” Maya’s normal cheerfulness was dampened.
Hest wanted to punch the man, but that would ruin the festival celebration.
“Um, I…” Lucas glanced down at his boots. “I wanted to apologize for my actions the other step at Tsiki’s Choice. I’d had one too many.” He hurried to continue. “That doesn’t make it right, just wanted to explain why. Normally, I’d not have the gumption… I mean… Well…” He pulled the wooden box from behind his back and thrust it into Maya’s hands. “Maybe this will express my sorrow.”
Maya stared. “Lucas, I—”
“It’s yours, whether or not you’ll accept my apology. I’ll do better from here on out.” With that, he slid back into the crowd, leaving Maya and Hest staring after him.
“What…” Maya shook her head. “Men! Now what do I tell Mother?” But she caressed the wood.
“Hear ye! Hear ye!” The borgmastare called out from the center of the square where a platform had been erected. Once it was quiet, he continued. “Welcome to the Festival of Stars. Each turn, we reflect back on the last and look forward to the new. Without Handi and Tsiki, our steps would be dark indeed.” He raised his hands to indicate the dark skies. Clouds skittered across them, blocking out the stars. “But on this moonstep, we focus on the good and light our small lights as tokens of hope. May Tsiki and Handi guide your every step this coming turn.”
“And yours!” The crowd echoed back.
“Then we will reflect.”
A breeze flicked Hest’s cloak, and he shivered. Maya scooted closer, her hand brushing his. His heart fluttered worse than his cloak, but he squeezed her hand. As he stared up at the sky, the clouds parted, revealing the stars, and the crowd exclaimed.
“Now, fill the skies with your hope!” The borgmastare called out.
Everyone paused to light their lanterns and then held them up. The breeze took the paper lanterns from their hands and lifted them into the air. Soon the sky was filled with tiny lights.
“Isn’t it beautiful?” Maya whispered.
“It is.” Hest agreed, but he was staring at her.
Her blonde hair reflected the miniature lights turning it golden, and the smile on her lips was one to be treasured. He longed to reach up and kiss her, but he held back. If he followed through with his longing, Malene would see, and his gift had brought enough of a frown to her face. He’d wait until the time was right, not in the middle of a crowded square.
“May your turn bring you all you desire, Hest.”
“The same to you.”
Hest smiled. If this was the beginning of the turn, it was bound to be the best of his nineteen. Maybe by the end, he’d work up the courage to ask Maya out and even kiss her. But for now, he’d content himself with standing by her, their fingers touching as they watched the lanterns fade into the stars.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this glimpse into Four Stars over Ardatz and Uprooted via Festival of Stars.