The Dragon Courage series has seven books.
In a world where dragons and humans live in peace with each other, it is a privilege to be a dragon rider, but riders, like everyone else, must find their purpose. In this series, twins Ruskya and Duskya fight for their dragon’s futures and their lives! Braidyn struggles with balancing justice and mercy as he searches for a stolen nestling. Kyn and a new friend, Ben’hyamene, discover a breed of wild dragons which have been at war with humans for four hundred years, and the two learn that peace is better than revenge. Kyn helps Duskya and her daughter, Carryn, search for a young rider who stumbles upon a slave trade. Carryn learns that bitterness leaves a person in bondage as much as being a slave. Follow along the riders’ quest in this exciting middle grade fantasy series by author Kandi J Wyatt.
Come ride a dragon, explore the land, and talk with dragon riders.
Do you want to learn more about the various dragons? Have a question for Wyeth or Wryn? Then this is the place for you.
Lands of Dragon Courage
Discover more about Three Mile Canyon, Boeskay, the Carr, the sandhills of the El’Shad’n, or the mines of the South.
Dragon Riders
Have a question for Kyn? Want to know more about his healing capabilities? Then come along.
The Books of Dragon Courage:
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