Book 2 of the Myth Coast Adventure is finally here. An Unexpected Escapade follows three girls as they try to balance junior high, family health problems, a poacher, and oh yeah, a unicorn! Don’t worry, your friends from book 1 will still be there. Will has more of a role in this book as well.
Protect friendship, family or a creature that’s not supposed to exist?
Ana and Daisy have been friends since third grade, but a rift in the space-time continuum in their little town may change that. When a unicorn waltzes into the pasture with Daisy’s appaloosas, a poacher, who will stop at nothing to gain the unicorn horn and its healing tears, shows up. Daisy is focused on saving the unicorn while Ana’s parents face sudden life-threatening health issues. When Ana learns about the healing tears, she’s forced to choose between friendship and her family’s health.
Can the girls find the grace to compromise and save Ana’s parents and the unicorn?

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