A Unique Perspective on Juxtaposed Futures
The day showed promise. One hundred-nine young men and women prepared to walk the aisle and receive their diploma, a certificate notifying the world they had completed one full year of Bible college. They could hold their heads high and rejoice in their accomplishment. Parents, family, and friends crowded in creating standing room only to watch. Potential filled the auditorium. If each student went out and influenced one other person, who in turn reached one other person, creating a domino effect, then the possibility of impact was mind boggling.
As a proud mother, I watched my son. The changes in this introverted young man brought tears to my eyes. What would his future be? I didn’t know, but I knew whatever God had in store for him would be just right. The day held hope and joy.
Later, the family crowded around my parents and their friends from seminary days years ago as both sets of grandparents celebrated their grandsons’ commencement. Memories, laughter, and smiles filled our table. Over at the other table, the graduates marveled that even though they had a college diploma they had been demoted to the kids’ table. Again joy filled the day.
My mother’s heart beamed while I watched my middle son say good-bye to his friends. A mad dash around a porch led to a giant bear hug, then both sets of parents standing and chatting. After pictures and final good-byes, we became tourists. A trip to a treasure store held many wonders. I loved seeing the jewelry made from Egyptian seals around 1500 BC. The kids looked over stone agates, while my parents loved the coins from by-gone eras.
Finally, it was time to say good-bye and head to our hotel room. The day could have ended right there and I would have been satisfied. However, it didn’t. We had another five hours left. What awaited me in my in box determined another future. It was a very unwelcome one. Opening the email from my publisher, I sat in stunned silence. No words came. As of May 31, Booktrope would no longer exist. I tried to process what all this would mean. The news slowly sunk in. If I wished to keep all four of my books on Amazon, I would have to self-publish them on June 1!
Through this news, the fact that God knew this was coming and it didn’t surprise Him, helped comfort. I saw how God had been preparing me all along. Last year this time, I was just starting out in the author business. I didn’t feel comfortable even calling myself an author. I needed every bit of guidance and help I could get from my book manager. This year, however, I have found confidence. I have joined two different groups of fantasy authors, encouraged new authors, and made a decision to stick it out and put in the hard effort necessary to make it in the writing world. So, even though the rug had been pulled out from underneath my feet, I knew what I would do. I didn’t know how, but I would figure out a way to self-publish the Dragon Courage series and The One Who Sees Me.
As I go forward, I am trusting God to guide me in this next phase of the author life just as He has done in the past year. I’m uncertain of the timetable for the rest of the Dragon Courage series, but I am confident that it will be finished. Up until yesterday, I had planned on an August release date for Dragon’s Cure. Today, I have no clue on a date. I will strive to get it done by August, but I know the editing process won’t begin until June. In the meantime, I will work on getting the ins and outs of self-publishing under my belt.
At the same time, I feel that God was preparing me for this news. Just Wednesday this week, I had several different incidents that encouraged me to keep going. First off, the local elementary school library asked for book two for a specific student. When the librarian heard there was a third book, she was excited for that child. A high school student gave me the idea for the third book in the Myrtle Beach Mythical Creatures series. I have finished the rough draft of the first book and have an idea for the second, but didn’t have anything for a third. After the lunch conversation, I had a direction for the last book of the trilogy. Later in the day, another student came in. As she was talking with me, she suggested another idea. I smiled as she related the exact idea I had already come up with for book two of the Myrtle Beach Mythical Creatures series! My excitement ran high that day, as I saw the reason for why I am writing—children ages ten to sixteen.
Even though I don’t know the logistics for this week or the next several weeks, I know who holds the plans. I will trust Him to take care of me, my books, and my family. What about you? Is there some area that you need to trust? Let me know, and I’ll be praying for you this week.

A few of the reasons why I write and how I was able to focus on something besides Booktrope’s closing this weekend. (At Fort Stevens near Astoria, Oregon)
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