A Fun Puzzle for You
We’re two weeks away from Resolved releasing. In celebration, I present a puzzle for you to enjoy. Keep reading to hear the context behind the image and the quote:
Excerpt from Resolved
The courtyard plants were in full bloom—the pinks and reds bright in the sunlight. Hest would have loved them. Siobhan pulled her thoughts back to her daughter beside her. How could she explain what was so difficult for her to understand herself?
“Momma, what’s wrong?” Mairead reached for her hand.
Siobhan intertwined her fingers with her daughter’s smaller ones. “Oh, Inene, why do you say something is wrong?”
“You’re not the same since you returned from your trip.”
“What, a whole step and you can see this?” Siobhan tried to brush her daughter’s concerns aside, but the girl was insistent.
“You’re sad, and not sad. You’re acting antsy. Did Kyeth do something while you were gone?”
The mention of the cannonsea tripped Siobhan’s thoughts, and she fumbled for words. “What do you mean?”
“Did he make you mad?”
“Nay, Inene, why would you say that?”
“You looked at him different when he was here.”
“All is well.”
“Then what’s wrong?”

How did a mother tell her daughter war was a knife’s edge away? Siobhan sighed.
“Remember the rumors we went to investigate before?” She waited for Mairead to nod before continuing. “What we discovered is that our neighbor, Lochlann, has joined the Navwood and is gathering Muintirians who are dissatisfied with Cahar to their side.”
“Lugh’s told me about the Navwood and how they’ve caused problems for us before.” Mairead paused in her steps. “So, they’re trying to invade Muintir?”
“’Tis about right. I don’t know why Lochlann has joined them. A delegation is going to discuss with King Harald how we can get his general back to his side of the border.”
Mairead gazed up at her. “Who’s going, Momma?”
Siobhan looked at the flowers, the sky, anything but her daughter’s intent expression. How could she tell her that she’d be alone again?
“You’re going. Who’ll be with you?” Mairead placed her hands on her hips.
“Kyeth and Lugh.”
“Both?” Mairead’s pitch warbled, and her bottom lip trembled. “Who’ll stay with me?”
“Ana,” Siobhan responded at once. “Who else?”
“But who’ll get you ready to see the king? I saw how your hair looked when you came back last time; he wouldn’t even believe you were queen if you came looking like that!”
No matter how much Siobhan hated to admit it, her daughter was right, but who could she take with her?
Mairead brightened. “Take Ana with you. I’ll be fine with Finn.”
“Will Finn brush your hair?” Siobhan smiled at the thought.
“Oh, no, Momma, Finn can’t do that. I can take care of my own hair for a step or two.”
“’Twill be more like a couple of phases.” Siobhan ran her hand along Mairead’s dark hair.
“Oh,” Mairead’s face fell, “maybe Grandmamma can do it for me?”
“That’s a perfect idea. You’ll be good for them, won’t you?” “Aye, Momma.” She wrapped her arms around Siobhan’s waist. “Be careful. I love you.”