Would you dare?
Is life overwhelming? Does it seem like you can never win?
I’ve been there—spent years there. That knot in the pit of your stomach, the dread to face another day.
What if I told you, there’s:
* a path through the Fire Swamp
* a ship off that planet
* a way to break the curse
* a word of life
* a stage for you to be seen
Would you take it? Even if it wasn’t easy?
Come with me on this journey to learn:
* the secrets to the Fire Swamp
* the ways of the Jedi
* the rules to the disenchantment
* the key to being uniquely you
Do you long for a place where you can relax, be yourself, and hang out with your friends? A space where inside jokes are formed and you can laugh without fear of embarrassment. If you don’t have many friends, you can join and watch without feeling left out, and maybe even make a friend or two. Does such a place exist? It does. It’s called Senora’s room in real life and only a handful of fortunate students can find it, but Kandi J Wyatt would like to bring the atmosphere of her physical classroom at lunch time to as many kids (and adults) as need it. Join her on her Discord Server–The Dragon’s Den–where respect is the number one rule and where you can be you!

Kandi J Wyatt lives with dragons, most in human form–and some even blow fire! She spends her days providing space for teens to be themselves, inspiring them to be more than meets the eye, and spilling hope into their world. When she’s not hanging out with fictional characters, Kandi’s chilling with family watching anime or playing games. Her toddler granddaughter keeps her running–often in circles–and full of joy.